Imprescindibles - Biblioteca de clàssics catalans

Imprescindibles is the collection of Editorial Barcino that collects the classics of catalan literature up to the XX century for readers of the XXI century. Along with indisputable names and titles, there will also be works that for various reasons have fallen from the canon and today are difficult to find.

The collection, which includes a wide range of literary genres such as narrative, poetry and theatre, but also journalism and literary essays, wants to respect the territorial, temporal and gender balance, always taking care of very detail of both the content and the continent (bound with hard cover, with headbands and a fabric point).

The editions that you will find are made with the usual rigor of the publisher, accompanied by a prologue or postface by the best specialists and with an annotation that facilitates reading.

Showing all 10 results

Showing all 10 results