"Mirades", by Editorial Barcino. An invitation to the pleasure of reading between generations. Current Catalan authors are opposed to Catalan and international tradition and, with it own perspective, dialogue with it, claim it, reinterpret it and rewrite it with the focus on the nowadays reader.
Els Marges
Imprescindibles - Biblioteca de clàssics catalans
Imprescindibles is the collection of Editorial Barcino that collects the classics of catalan literature up to the XX century for readers of the XXI century. Along with indisputable names and titles, there will also be works that for various reasons have fallen from the canon and today are difficult to find.
Obra completa
Bernat Metge
Carme Karr
Teatre complet. Lucrècia. Arminda. Rosaura
Joan Ramis i Ramis
La febre d'or
Narcís Oller
Vida privada
Josep Maria de Sagarra
Teatre. Lo desengany i Amor, Firmesa i Porfia
Francesc Fontanella
La fabricanta
Dolors Monserdà
Poesia completa
Bartomeu Rosselló-Pòrcel
La Punyalada
Marian Vayreda